Women talking on phone

Report a Concern

Code of Conduct Violations

Student Code of Conduct violations are disciplinary behaviors including, but not limited to, classroom disruptions, alcohol, drugs, harassment, fights, damage/theft of property, and/or any misconduct that violates 365球赛平台’s policy #5247 and/or Policy #5180. Student Code of Conduct violations will be investigated and sanctioned as warranted by the Student Conduct Office.

Academic Integrity Violations

Academic Integrity violations are academic disciplinary behaviors including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism that violate 365球赛平台’s Policy #5180. Academic Integrity violations will be investigated and sanctioned as warranted by Academic Affairs and the Student Conduct Office.

Title IX Violations

Interpersonal violence includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking behaviors that violate 365球赛平台 policy #2410, Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Harassment. Behaviors related to interpersonal violence may also violate policy #5247, Student Discipline.

C.A.R.E. Report

Reporting worrisome or concerning behavior is subjective, however, academic, emotional and/or physical changes can be indicators when assessing whether a student may need additional support. The CARE Team will facilitate communication, assessment, decision-making, and action about potential and real risk situations involving persons of concern including students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Formal Student Complaint

formal complaint is a request for the resolution of a problem, conflict, concern or issue that negatively impacts a student(s).  Student formal complaints may include (but are not limited to) issues regarding college policies, procedures, services, offices, and staff/faculty behavior.

If you have any questions or concerns with these processes, please contact:

Student Conduct Concerns

Kayla Stahl
Student Conduct Coordinator
732-255-0400 ext. 2390
Bldg. #1 – A022
Office Hours – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Care Team Concerns

Kate Pandolpho, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, GCDF
Director, Counseling Center
732-255-0400 ext. 2941
Bldg. #3 – 010F
Office Hours – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Title IX Concerns

Eileen Buckle
Title IX and ADA/504 Coordinator

In person:
Administration Bldg. (#1), First Floor, Room 112

By reporting form:

By phone:
732-255-0400 ext. 2944

By email:

By postal mail:
Ocean County College
Attn: Human Resources (Title IX Coordinator)
PO Box 2001
Toms River, NJ 08754